FAQ's: Building with Structural Cold Formed Steel (CFS)
What part of a project can you frame with CFS?
Everything. Yes, with Atlantasteel you are able to design and build everything above the foundation, including roof trusses, floor joists, load bearing and non-load bearing walls.
What materials can be used for cladding? is it different for CFS?
Anything. The same materials for cladding (interior and exterior) are used for timber, concrete, and all other framing materials. In fact, a steel frame project will look exactly like any other project.
Does your system account for local wind, snow and seismic loads?
Yes. All projects are designed to meet or exceed local wind, snow & seismic codes, even up to seismic 5. The engineering software accepts those inputs and converts the design to optimize the use of steel.
Does your system meet US building codes?
Yes, all projects are designed to US building codes and current IBC standards.
Our engineers are licensed across the entire US.
How many floors can be produced with cold formed steel?
Economically, we suggest a maximum of about 10 floors, but from a design perspective, the methodology can go much higher, though doing so may incorporate more steel. Contact your Atlantasteel representative to discuss your specific project.
What part of a project can you frame with CFS?
Everything. Yes, with Atlantasteel you are able to design and build everything above the foundation, including roof trusses, floor joists, load bearing and non-load bearing walls.
Can Atlantasteel be brought in at any stage of any project?
Yes. Our system can improve everything from conceptual design to shop drawings, though we recommend Atlantasteel be brought in early to work directly with the architect as Engineer of Record for best cost, schedule, material & weight reduction.
How do I get started with Atlantasteel?
Step 1: Send Atlantasteel a set of drawings/plans for any project in CAD or .dwg format, or Atlantasteel consulting engineers can work directly with the architect.
Step 2: Atlantasteel converts the project into CFS with its engineering software and provides a cost proposal.
Step 3: If accepted, that file is then sent to engineering for final detailing and stamp.
Does CFS hold up in different environmental conditions (humidity, heat, sea spray, etc.)?
All Atlantasteel projects use galvanized steel-coated material at varying degrees appropriate to the local environmental conditions. The non-combustible properties and strength of steel offer greater protection for homes, buildings, or any project, and can eliminate high wind and lightning damage to your home. Galvanized steel will not crack, shrink, splinter, creep, split, warp, swell or rot, and it is impervious to termites and wood-destroying insects.
Why would steel be better at limiting damage from lightning?
A steel frame actually allows more protection for the occupants of a home or building since it provides a direct electrical path to the ground. It also reduces the likelihood of explosions or secondary fire.
How does CFS hold up against earthquakes?
The use of positive connections and the inherent strength of steel provide the greatest protection against earthquakes and hurricanes. The high ductility of light gauge steel makes it the best construction material for earthquake-resistant design.
Is Builders Risk insurance affected by using CFS?
By using CFS, Builders Risk insurance premiums can be reduced by over 50%.
Environmental Impact
Is steel recyclable?
Steel framing is the only environmentally friendly framing choice. When you compare that it takes 40-50 mature trees and only six scrapped cars to frame 2,000 square feet, you can quickly appreciate the value of steel today and the impact it could have on generations to come. US Steel is required to be up to 66% recycled material with 100% of any Atlantasteel project waste fully recycled.
What is the environmental impact of steel?
The overall recycling rate of the steel industry is 66%, the highest of any industry in the world. Plus, steel framing scrap is a valuable commodity that will not end up in a landfill.
Can mold grow on steel framing?
No. Mold requires three things to grow: mold spores (which exist everywhere there is air), moisture, and organic material, which provides the food for mold. Steel does not contain any organic material, and therefore cannot support mold growth.
Won’t the steel frame rust?
No. The use of a zinc coating on the steel protects it from corrosion for the life of the structure. Steel’s galvanized, inherent chemical sacrificing qualities immediately protect any cut, scrape or damage thus preventing rust or maintenance.